2022 Starts of Rocky

2.19am on 5th January 2022. We are 5 days into the new year and two days away from my 45th birthday and already this year has kicked off with some massive bangs. And unfort. there is a lot more to come over the coming months.

The infections in both my feet after the amputation back in May 2021 continues to get worse and they don’t want to put me in hospital due to the COVID situation in our area. Which is currently the worst it has ever been since the start of this pandemic. The anti-bodics that I am on are strong and mess with my stomach, giving me nausea four times a day. It is so annoying and they don’t appear to be working anyway. Tge infection in the right leg has spread up. See the image below and you will understand.

This image was taken yesterday, 4th January 2022. And has been going on for months now.

I also have some personal family issues going on that I am not going to go into due to what is currently in progress with this situation. But once a certain matter is sorted I will then post in detail about it. I am sick of burying my head in the sand and keeping my mouth shut. It’s time to speak out.

Next, for around 4 or 5 months now I have been totally locked down at home and not going out, not even to my mailbox and it is really getting to my mental health badly. But I can’t risk going out and getting fucking COVID. My problems will only get worse if that happens now.

I know I haven’t been posting much lately, but that is about to change. So getting ready to get a lot more posts from more. I am going to try to do a min. of 3 every week. I cannot commit to daily posts right now cause I know it won’t happen.

Anyway, it’s now 2.31am and I am going to try and get some sleep. More from me later …

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