42 Today!

It’s the 7th January 2019 and today I turn 42. I am another year older, another year wiser. With everything I have gone through over the last 42 years things today are going to start to change. I had already begun making changes in late 2018. And from today things take a notch up a level. 

From this day forward everything changes. Tomorrow at 9am my business opens and everything starts. I already have my first client on board and signed up. Just finishing up the contract for the first client. 

We are only 7 days into 2019 (already) and things are already starting to change. I know there will still be challenges and hardships along the way. But with support and my strong mind and now determination everything is going to work out just fine. 

Changes have already started with my pain killers, I am not taking as much as I used too (thank goodness), so I am slowly coming off them as I can’t just stop them due to the type of medication they are. It can cause some serious problems if you just stop taking them. I have gone from 8 to 10 a day of one pain killer down to about 2 to 4. And that is a massive difference. And will continue to slowly cut them down a bit more to the point where I only take them every couple of days (if need be). 

Thank you to all my friends for their support over the years and the continued support they still give me. And I am looking forward to them being with me at my Birthday BBQ later today. Its sprinkling, and I am hoping the weather stays calm for today. Cause everything is set and ready to go. And if it is still sprinkling there is seated shelters at the location we are having the BBQ. So hopefully it will all go good. We might have to do a change of location at the last minute. I will just have to wait and see how it turns out closer to the time.

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