  • Firstly let me say this, this post has several extremely graphic photos attached. If you can not handle a ...

    Firstly let me say this, this post has several extremely graphic photos attached. If you can not handle anything graphic PLEASE DO NOT VIEW THIS BLOG POST. These images were taken this morning before ...

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  • 7th February 2022 and it is nearing 10.30 in the morning and I am sitting at the computer watching a 60 M ...

    7th February 2022 and it is nearing 10.30 in the morning and I am sitting at the computer watching a 60 Minutes YouTube video, writing this post and thinking about some work that I need to do on my Fi ...

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  • New South Wales has had another day of high numbers. However, today is the highest number this state has ...

    New South Wales has had another day of high numbers. However, today is the highest number this state has ever had. This pandemic is crazy and never-ending. It is affecting mine and many other people's ...

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  • 2.19am on 5th January 2022. We are 5 days into the new year and two days away from my 45th birthday and a ...

    2.19am on 5th January 2022. We are 5 days into the new year and two days away from my 45th birthday and already this year has kicked off with some massive bangs. And unfort. there is a lot more to com ...

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  • As I sit here and begin typing at just after 9pm on a Friday night, I have to wonder if everything I am d ...

    As I sit here and begin typing at just after 9pm on a Friday night, I have to wonder if everything I am doing is even worth it. So many letdowns, so much still not happening. I am totally beginning to ...

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  • So it has been a while since I wrote a post about anything. I have had a lot of things going on in my lif ...

    So it has been a while since I wrote a post about anything. I have had a lot of things going on in my life recently and really have not been coping the best. But I thought it was time to do a post and ...

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  • On Friday just gone I saw my Vascular Surgical Team at the hospital. This is the team the amputated my li ...

    On Friday just gone I saw my Vascular Surgical Team at the hospital. This is the team the amputated my little toe from my right foot and had to dig a deep wound down inside due to an infection that wa ...

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  • Please Note: This is a bit of a lengthy post. Not like my normal very short ones. So if your going to rea ...

    Please Note: This is a bit of a lengthy post. Not like my normal very short ones. So if your going to read it make sure you have a little bit of time. General Comments: So, on the 9th of May 2021, I h ...

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  • So this post is basically going to go through a lot of different topics, probably get scattered at times ...

    So this post is basically going to go through a lot of different topics, probably get scattered at times also. But that is pretty much normal with me, as you would know. So, let's start with the after ...

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  • Why? That is the question that I have at the moment. Why is it taking so long to get my forever home? Why ...

    Why? That is the question that I have at the moment. Why is it taking so long to get my forever home? Why isn't my major health issues improving after 3 years of hardcore Doctor and Specialists being ...

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