Comment Moderation & Content Warning

Due to current circumstances beyond my control I have had to place all future comments on my blog posts into a moderation queue prior to being made public. This means that all comments will have to be viewed by myself prior to being made visible on the website. Now I will not be restricting bad comments, nor will I be editing them in any way, shape or form (unless the comment breaches the Terms of Usage (ToU) of this website).

Even though I do use Akismet Anti-Spam to combat the ever increasing issues of spam posting these current circumstances do not have anything to do with spam postings. I will not go into details about what the actual situation is. But I have had to make this decision for the safety of my website.

Please Note: If any comments or images posted do breach my websites Terms of Usage your account and or IP address will be banned from accessing this site.

Furthermore, if you post content that is against the law it will be immediately reported to local law enforcement agencies. I will provide all necessary information required by those agencies to assist in their investigation into the incident. Your account and IP address will also be immediately banned from accessing this site.

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