Going Into Lockdown

With everything that has been going on lately I have made the decision to put myself into a temporary lockdown. I have done these a few times in the past and it has done exactly what I needed it to. Pretty much it means I need to spend time totally alone and to think about my life, where it is headed and the things that I need to change. And I tell you, there is a lot of things that currently need to change. And none of them are going to be easy either.

I have already started making some changes that need to be made and that started with removing some people out of my circle of friends. It was not an easy decision to make, but it was made easier when I was treated like a piece of shit, I just decided there an then on the spot that it was time to say good-bye. And it was done. But there are other harder choices that need to made.

I am not sure if I will stay home and make these decisions or if I will take a train ride to the City or Newcastle to a couple of spots I know well where I can just sit, listen to my music and think. I will make this decision over the next 24 hours and then work out what I will do from there. But whatever I decide I can’t do anything until after lunch tomorrow as I have an appt. that I must attend at 10.30am in the morning. And like most of my appt.’s these days, this is one that I cannot miss or postpone. 

Anyway that will do from me for now. I will post again soon.

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