Sick of this …

Sometimes I really have to wonder why I bother doing anything for anyone. Why? Because most of the time I get shit on in return and am left to fend for myself when I am the one needing help or someone to talk to.

The more I am here for people the more I feel left out and not wanted by anyone.

I am sick of living this way. I think what I need to do now is just let people fend for themselves and stop doing and being there for everyone else when nearly no one is ever there for me.

I am also sick of being the person who always reaches out to others when nearly no one reaches out to me when I am having issues. I think it is time that I stop reaching out and see how long it actually takes for someone to reach out to me. I think I know the person or several people that might reach out if they don’t hear from me in a while. I think the thing to do would be not to post on social media in any form, no communication in any form and see what happens. Pretty sure I know how it would turn out. But who knows, I might get a surprise, even though I doubt it if I am being honest.                           

More details and info in another blog post coming soon … please be patient with me and I will be back on track soon.                       






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