What is wrong with the LGBTQI+ Community?

So, this post isn’t against all the LGBTQI+ community, but it is about the majority.

What I don’t get is several years ago I personally had no problem finding someone to go for coffee, have dinner or even go further after a date i had no problem finding someone. However, now days, being an amputee and mostly in a wheelchair or on my mobility scooter I cannot find anyone prepared to do any of these things anymore. I have no problem going for food or coffee, but that is with support workers and most of them are not within the LGBTQI+ community.

This does affect me a lot. It isn’t right to treat someone different because they have a disability that they cannot help. I would tell you now, if I had my way, I would have never had the amputation in the first place, but it was either that or die (to be blunt). So, I really had no choice as I didn’t want to die, not just yet anyway, I still have many years to live yet.

People within the LGBTQI+ community really need to wake the fuck up and not be one of these discrimination bitches. I know personally I can still do a lot of things that I used to. There are some restrictions, but also there is also ways around things. Just grow the fuck up and stop being so damn judgmental. Not everyone is the same and people do change over time, whether by choice or not by their own doing.

Maybe one day, hopefully before I die, I will see the LGBTQI+ community begin treating everyone the same no matter what. But I won’t hold my breathe on that to be honest.

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