Zac Is Having A Makeover!

Please Note: This is a bit of a lengthy post. Not like my normal very short ones. So if your going to read it make sure you have a little bit of time.

General Comments:
So, on the 9th of May 2021, I have been in my transitional housing for 3 years, and that time is fast approaching. And with this goes a lot of changes. And a lot of these changes I have decided are going to take effect now. Some changes have already been made some time ago, but I will go over them again anyway.

I am constantly online nearly all night every night due to health reasons, which is due to the pain in my left leg and both feet and also my insomnia. Even on heavy doses of opioid medication, this doesn’t always take the pain away. But I have found something that does work and also helps me sleep at the same time. However, I am not going to discuss that right now. But last night I had the best sleep I have had in a very long time, and then a nice hot shower when I finally woke up at nearly 3pm (after going to bed early last night), so it was a much-needed rest. And also I woke up missing at least 4 doses of pain medication without any withdrawal symptoms, which does usually always occur if I even miss 1 dose. I have felt the best I have in a very long time.

For me, these are few and far between. And most of my true friends are actually in the United States of America (USA). I do have a few here down under, but not many. Some I removed from my life a while back as I was just being used by people both locally and in the United Kingdom (UK). If I feel that I am being used and abused by people in my life they will be instantly cut off, no more warnings from me. It is time I stood up and started looking out for myself first, no matter who the other person or people are. And I also don’t care how long I have known the person either. People I have removed from my life over the last year I had known for over a decade. I just won’t put up with the shit anymore. I am done with it.

My health is a major concern as I have so many health issues I could be a damn medical journal. Somethings I have not been dealing with for one reason or another. Well, that changes now. Every single health issue will begin getting dealt with, no matter how bad or what the outcome could be. Remember, as I said before, it is time to put myself first, and this goes for every single area in my life. I need to start to deal with my sleeping issues majorly which will hopefully get me back into a normal hour routine and not awake all night and only getting and hour or two sleep every night. I need, no actually, I have to start looking after myself before I end up either dead or having a complete and utter mental breakdown.

My Business:
Hydra Web Services has now been running for some time and it has its good moments and slow moments. But I also have people trying to pass business my way. Which is something I am very grateful for. However, I will see this. There will be no more free work done. I will still help people with some discounts, but no more freebies, I have a business to run after all. And the point of a business is to make money, not give everything away for free.

My Other Projects:
I am apart of various other projects on the internet and these will continue. However, I will have to reduce the amount of hours I do (meaning staying up all night is no longer an option for me). I will continue to put in as much time as i can. But I am also about to begin getting out of home on a regular basis with a support worker so my time at home won’t be as much as it has been for a very long time. It is time for change and to get my life back. I have held myself back for too fucking long. And I can’t and won’t do it anymore.

My Conculsion:
So, in conclusion to everything above I suppose the thing I am saying is that it is time to put myself, my health, my mental health, my well being, and getting out and about from my unit is now my number 1 priorty. There is no more holding back. There are things I want to do with my life and things I want to do before I die (whenever the hell that is – hopefully not for a long time yet though). So you can basically say as the image at the top says, Zac is having a makeover and it’s a major one.

A Special Message to certain people:
There are a lot of people that have helped me over decades of friendship in many ways and people that have been helping and supporting me ever since my homelessness ended. There are a few people I would like to make personal mention and send a heart felt thank you too. I also know that these people will be around in my life for many decades to come. So, let me try to remember everyone, knowing me I will leave someone out and if I do I will edit this post later and add them in.

These people are: Josh (my lil cuz), Annie, my Aunties, Steve, Aaron, Josh, Joanne, Janette, Jmatt, Mandy Pandy, ShawnS, and JeremyS. To you I say a heart felt thank you for your past, current and future support. I am grateful for all of you. 🙂

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